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Painting / 2009 From Darkness Comes



These paintings focused on "process and application" of colour, influenced by abstract and expressionist panting from the 20thC.

Unlike Matisse & Picasso, Kandinsky, the inspiration from which this work is derived, fascinated the palette and movemnet of colour with a sense of "hearing colours speak." 



olour theory by Kandinsky


Yellow – “warm,” “cheeky and exciting,” “disturbing for people,” warm,” “cheeky and exciting,” “disturbing for people,”“typical earthly color,” “compared with the mood of aperson it could have the effect of representingmadness in color [...] an attack of rage, blindmadness, maniacal rage.

Green – peace, stillness, passive, mix of yellow and blue.

Blue – peaceful, supernatural, deep, “typical heavenly color”, The lighter it is, the more calming it is.

Red – restless, glowing, alive, “manly maturity”

Brown  – dull, hard, inhibited, mix of red and black

Orange – radiant, serious, healthy.

Violet  – “morbid, extinguished […] sad”, mix of red and blue

White – “It is not a dead silence, but one pregnant with the harmony of silence.

Black – extinguished, immovable, “Not without possibilities […] like an eternal silence, without future and hope.” While the white expresses joy and spotless cleanliness, the black is the color of great grief".

Grey – is soundless and motionless, but it differs from green, and expresses a hopeless stillness.




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